Thursday, 20 November 2008

August 4 – Brussels and Amsterdam

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Brussels: Narrow
So, I'm in Amsterdam at the moment, sitting in the hostel bar, sipping a Heineken with my laptop - very civilised. we hired bikes today, and cycled about, which was nice. Not really much else going on here. It all smells vaguely of a university halls of residence, and why, if prostitution is one of the city's marquee attractions, do they all look like Roweena from the X Factor's mum? I think I may be too old for Amsterdam.

Brussels was quite nice, pretty in places, a bit grotty round the edges, but more interesting for it I think. There was a funfare near the station, which boasted a ride called 'Polyp'. It is also home to some of the worlds most dangerous taxi drivers. Its quite a thrill to arrive in the heart of Europe by rail at 186 mph, but it's even more exhilarating being driven to your hotel at that same speed. Lots of lovely places to eat, and some spectacular architecture, new and old, but unfortunately my last memory of Brussels will be walking to the station, down the Belgian equivalent of the Old Kent road, where someone tried to rob us. Sarah told them to f**k off, and they did.

We've got another 3/4 of a day here in Amsterdam, and then its on to Berlin, where we are staying in a hotel. hurrah.


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