Thursday, 20 November 2008


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Berlin: Lovely
We left Amsterdam a bit earlier than planned, and went to Berlin, which was ace. Berlin impressed me as much as it did the last time round. It seems that a lot of though has gone into making it a proper functioning city again – a real air of re-renaissance, if that makes sense. The path of the wall is laid out in cobble stones set into the pavement, but buildings have simply been build over the top, which I like. Acknowledging the past and having a reverence for it isn't the same as allowing it to, in this case literally, provide a barrier to future progress. I also noticed that they were simply building an office block where Hitler's bunker was, which is probably the best thing for it really. Then after pondering all of this, We went to the zoo and watched monkeys flinging their faeces around. Top notch.


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